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»Reach for your Stars«

Corporate ReDesign

The star typifies the dreams of human beings. This dream can be about an own company, about a personal project, about a product or a new brand. The letter »V« is part of the name »Vio Design Studio« and an excerpt for the star at the same time. With its five angles the star stands for the five design disciplines with five different colours. The star unifies the five colours with each other and refers consequently to the multidisciplinary approach. I work together with my clients and partners in a project. During this process I am the creative impulse and translator for human's dreams. It's my philosophy to develop projects in a team following a strategic idea. And yet it's my goal to give corporate claims the shining power of stars to reach in all communication channels from print through digital and moving image into space. My credo: Reach for your Stars. Vio Design Studio, Achievement: Positioning, Naming, Corporate Design. 2013
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